Tuesday, August 16, 2011
My ex is driving me nuts....advice please?
seeing the above i feel u should not cheat her .if u dont like her stop to piss her off.just go to her and say if u dont wanna trust me i am over so i will live with ur memories and stuff to get her trust.as a girl i can tell only that much
How to haggle for a motorcycle price?
I am looking to buy a 2007 Suzuki SV650S. So far this decisions has been been placed on price, insurance cost, easability in riding (based on what I have reasearched), and overall looks. Once I get to the dealership it will get my final approval based on the feel when I actually get on it. But uming that I still love the feel of the bike, how do I begin the haggling process. This is the first bike for me and I don't want to be taken advantage of. Currently near where I live, Los Angeles area, one is being adverticed as a new 2007 for $6199 OTD. Could this really be an out the door price? Can I haggle on an OTD price? Am i only allowed to touch and sit on the bike at the dealership? Could I ask them to throw in gear in the deal such as a jacket or a helmet or something?
Dr. gave incorrect rx?
My son has been wearing contact lenses for several months (he's 8 years old). But I was notified by school nurse that he is having trouble w/vision. Did some research and it looks like they gave him the wrong rx. They gave him a farsighted rx instead of nearsighted! What do I do next!
She has enough strength to deny me then accept me! Islam breeds cowardice!?
If your looking for Muslims, you are in the wrong place. Go to the Ramadan Section, thats where they all are.
Are there parties/sororities at art colleges?
I'm a member of the International Fraternity for the Arts Honor Society. I'm not an art student but an art history minor. The art students at my college do neat functions like "Halloween in Spring" where they rent out an old factory building and throw a big halloween party and exhibit what they've learned in their cles, sell screen-printed t-shirts, etc. to help raise money for the art club. At a purely art school, I'm sure they are all about social gatherings and clubs/fraternities. They will probably do several fund raiser where they raise money to travel to the MOMA or Guttenheim museum or to the Louvre and other museums all over Europe. Fun! Fun! I'm hoping our fraternity (Kappa Pi) raises enough so we can all go! We're currently working on a few ideas and projects.
In MW2 What is better, RPD, Scar H or UMP 45 or MP5K?
Depends on your taste. A lot of people like the scar and the ump. I personally am a fan of the mpk5 and the acr. If you are on the 360 add me (LHR Pink Star) and you should join my gaming community! We are 2100 strong, for mature gamers, and we are not only a great group of people but we also have a proteam! And we have company and platoon battles where you can win microsoft points and xbox live memberships. It's legit. Check us out at LHRgaming.com
How do these lyrics i wrote sound?
This song has touched me on so many levels. I have never heard a song so meaningful and inspirational. You will make an amazing songwriter, don't give up you'll go far. the lyrics are beautiful and with catchy music this song could become a hit single. :)
Fashion advice pronto 911 fashion police?
well my friends always dress a little better than me and i don't like it cause i have a flat chest and so it it kinda hard to get something that is really pretty on to empress people and i want to look good and my fashion is horrible to me and i don't know what to do everyone laughs at me and picks on me .my mom says that i look awesome but everyone knows if your mom says you look good that means you have to go and change again so please someone with some fashion sense help me please please please
Why was there no grunion run yesterday 6-22-09 in carlsbad ca?
could be 1 of several reasons, I have found the first night of the 4 day run is usually the worst. The second night the best, followed by the third, fourth, then the first. Carlsbad beaches tend to face the wrong direction so they rarely have decent runs. The Oceanside beaches are pretty good, Moonlight, Solano Beach is good. My favorite though is so. Del Mar, rarely am I disappointed. And the final reason is they don't always run, that simple, My best advice "don't give up". I'm goin tonight , hope to see ya there
Am I being used? By my wife!!?
She is using you, Well she is out running around and your a falling for it all. Tell her to leave since she seems to have a problem with be home and being a wife.You have every right to the house and kids as she does.Dont let her play you for a fool. Good Luck
Where do spacers go on bmx?
I want to take off the gyro on my bmx and replace it with a normal cable brake for my back brake iv heard i need a spacer to replace the gap were the gyro would be is that information correct?
Skateboard bearings Help! please?
Hi, i just bought some ABEC 7 black panther skateboard bearings and they are not moving as fast as tey are supposed to. they spin for about 6 seconds. they are as good as my abec 5 walmart bearings. what's wrong?
How can i GAIN weight and muscle?
hahah i had the same exact problem. I was 100 pounds for like 2 years. This is what you HAVE to do. Eat alot of cookies like before bed and ****.. dont eat greasy junk food bc u dont wanna die.. But eat like cookies and ****.. When u eat alot of food right before bed it turns straight into fat. Then the next day you work out. REALLY HARD. Not runnign but weight liftin. You have to make sure you eat alot before bed and work out alot. If you work out alot you will gain 13 pounds easy.. What most people dont know is muscle weighs more than fat
Has anyone gotten married at Wellington Place in Las Vegas?
I'm planning a destination wedding in Vegas and they offer a great pkg. I just want to know if anyone else has attended or been to an event at Wellington Place? and what did you think of it?
Please Help, A boy that i really love is gonna do something stupid on Monday...how do i stop this?
NOTHING, you have no right to interfer with his life its his choice and if he wants to join let him, if you call the cops on him I hope he hurts you. Leave him alone and let him live his freaking life you r u no1s mothers hope u get kicked out of school
Is it possible to learn the real reason behind the Bush Admin. agenda for wanting to stay in Iraq?
I know that the Project for a New American Century is available to read, and they have an official website. However, by the Freedom of Information Act could the American people have access to the actual reason that the Bush Administration put the Kurds in power in Iraq and not the real Iraqi people, or if the Administration was actually behind starting the civil strife in Iraq? Or are there certain limitations to the Freedom of Information Act?
Where can I purchase McDonalds vanilla flavoring?
I am in love with McDonalds nonfat hot latte's with vanilla flavoring I'm reading that they use Newman's coffee mountain roast does anyone know if that is accurate? But what kind of vanilla flavoring do they use? It would be awesome to have this kind of coffee from home every morning lol Thanks for the help in advance! :)
Connecting pokemon black to WPA.?
So pokemon black us my 1st pokemon game on th DS and I heard it supports WPA keys. U have a DSi XL and u can connect it to wifi thru the WPA. When I try to access the WFC channel on black it says to check my settings. So is it possible to connect thru WPA? If bot I'll end up selling the game as not being able to trade or battle sucks.
What do you call a pontoon boat with a flat roof on top that you can climb on?
I'm trying to find a pontoon boat with that on it and I can find it it comes up with a pontoon boat with no roof
Puny Carrots in Fable II?
i need help getting 2 puny carrots in fable II. all my economy levels are 5*'s and i can't find the carrots any where. i have tried lowering the economy but that hasn't worked. so if some one can please help me that would be great! or i will buy the carrots for 1m.
Should I study Physics?
I have recently become interested in physics, namely astrophysics. The problem is that I am entering my third year in college and have been studying business up until now. I am not TOO proficient in math and plan on getting a tutor so that I can master calculus. I am VERY interested in space and would like to major in something related to this field. Astrophysics seems like the subject for me. Am i too late to decide to take on this physics endeavor?
Anyone else hating being pregnant?
Which swimsuit do you like better?
The one where I don't expect my parents to spend sixty bucks on a swimsuit for a child. So, the second one.
Whats the movie that has a robot main character that looks like Wall-E?
I remember when I was younger that I used to see a movie that had a robot that looked like the character "Wall-E" but I cannot remember the name of it! Its name had some thing to do with electronics...like glitched..or haywire...somthing like that. The other characters in it was a man and a women, If I remember correctly all 3 of them were running from 'bad people' that were trying to take the robot. I was very young when I saw it, sorry for being so vauge. Im guessing the movie came out in the 90's, but im not positive. Any help would be much appreciated thank you!
How do you create a demigod on godfinger?
Demigod cheat L,R,FIRE,UP,DOWN,FIRE,L,R,U,D,U,D,D,D,L,… wait 3 seconds then L,R,FIRE,UP,DOWN,FIRE,L,R,U,D,U,D,D,D,L,…
Monday, August 15, 2011
What is the best bug repellent with NO aerosol?
I'm going camping and I need to get bug repellent. I used 2 repellents and none of them worked. Cuz i got mesquito bites. What is the best insect repellent with no aersol? Cuz aersol hurts the environment.
Some idiot put my blackberry in the microwave, help me please?
take it back down to the shop it was from and see what they can do . or send it away to a company that fixes phones.
Hair. Help. Me.?
why dont you just get a choppy cut? just cut into it so its all diffeerent layers, and a side fringe.
Who thinks this was a hell of a deal!!!!!!!?
a bsa c15 scrambler basket case with every single bit (I MEAN EVERY BIT) + a spare of every bit including 2 engines 4 wheels 4 forks 4 shocks 2 tanks 3 oil tanks 2 air filters 2 carburetters and 2 frames including back frames. FOR �25!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also the engines are original with tuned racing heads!!!
Do Republicans conveniently convert to whatever religion they think is most popular with the voters?
I will bet anything at least half of the pols are agnostic. Most people, down deep, are unsure if there is a God,and if so is it the Christian Trinity? Tough to get elected as a proclaimed agnostic. Atheist? Highly unlikely.
Do I have Asperger's Syndrome?
Try not to ign yourself to a specific personality disorder or syndrome just because you don't fit in...maybe your wanting a label is a way to fit in somewhere?? Your situation seems like a normal, overly self-reliant attitude that perhaps leaves you viewing others' "normality" as something you desire. Be yourself and if your feelings and tendencies become an issue in your life and interactions to the point where you think you need evaluation, then by all means....seek help, but try to avoid self-diagnosis just because there are similarities does not a syndrome make!
What’s a better deal; haggle for a $2,700 price on a used car, or no-haggle for a $2,000 “FIRM” price?
No price is ever truly "firm". ADDED..if someone actually pulled a gun you must have been doing more than trying to "haggle". This question has gone from strange to BS.
What are Reiki chakras ? What are The Names Of Reiki Chakras ?
Reiki is one of the most effecting healing technique through body energy.It not only cures deseases but also helps in spritual growth through Reiki Chakras.There are Seven Energy Chakras are there in our body.I red all seven chakras names at a href="http://www.reiki.jdvm.info/chakras.htm" rel="nofollow"http://www.reiki.jdvm.info/chakras.htm/a
How are a unit cell and a crystal lattice related/?
Read your textbook and do your homework yourself. There's a reason for homework. You won't learn a damned thing if someone else does it for you. Don't you want to be the one who, when called on in cl, can stand up and answer anything the teacher asks proudly and with confidence? When you do the research and reading yourself, you retain information. When it's handed to you, you won't remember any of it.
Which shops sell MAC studio finish concealer in London (not online)?
I need to buy some before Thursday next week and I don't have time to order online/wouldn't know which shade to get, so I need to get one in a shop. I looked online in House of Fraser and Boots but they don't seem to sell it, but maybe they do instore. Any help would be appreciated.
Would it be big enough for you or not?
I'm 18, a virgin, and not too sure what to think about my size. It's 6.25" long and 5.75" girth. My length is just at the "average" size according to some sites I've checked, but my girth is pretty more than average according to tge same sites. Please be honest to what your reaction would be to it and if you think it would be large enough to do the trick and have a good time. I just need to know what to expect for my first time which is gonna be really soon with my gf, but I just need to find out cuz if it's not that impressive to girls then I need to get some pointers on performing oral on her;). Please be honest and don't tell me not to worry about it!!
Pimple problems and need cure??????
Drinking plenty of water daily with help detox your body and your skin. Don't be surprised if the problems get worse before they get better because your releasing the toxins from you pores but keep up with your daily cleansing. I use Cetaphil cleanser every morning and every night and it has done wonders for my face. Alcohol can be very shocking to your face. It takes all the oil away and you need some oils. You will actually begin to over produce oils on your face if you continue with the alcohol.. but i too tried that once and it was only a short term fix. Good luck and continue to read and ask questions. Maybe ask the pharmacist at you local walgreens or cvs. THey might be able to turn you on to something perfect for your specific problems.
Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I've been looking for a checked lumberjack shirt for women for ages, but i cannot find any which aren't really cheap. Please help me :)
Final Fantasy 13 How to beat "the proudclad" in chapter 12?
My characters have between 4.5k and 5.5k HP. I tried to beat him 5 times just now, each time the battle took around 15 minutes and i get him below half HP or so, and he heals ALL the way up. is it possible for me to beat this guy right now? and if not where is the most efficient place to farm up some CP?
Do modern Egyptians, Italians, and Swedes share any character traits with Pharaos, Romans and Vikings?
I am sure if you looked close enough you could find some things that have remained. Some of that would be due to the environmental conditions that influence a cultures development. However, cultures are always evolving and influenced by outside cultures and situations. Especially with modern technology the speed at which cultures evolve has escalated and so we are all rapidly distancing ourselves from the cultures of our ancestors.
Poll: Which is better for cooking raviolis and spaghettios, the microwave or the stove?
I always take it simple and use the microwave, but everyone else in my family takes a pot and cooks it on the stove.
What kind of TEA is the traditional english afternoon tea?
I would like to know what leave tea brand makes the traditional english tea, and what is the best comercial tea in England? Thanks for answering, greetings from Rio de Janeiro!
Anybody else evolve from being a devout christian to an agnostic/atheist?
I changed because I found Christianity to be logically wrong...and that is a big step in an all Christian school and a Christian dominated high school.
Help with Yu-Gi-Oh Red Eyes B. Synchro Deck?Please?
I am about to quit Yu-Gi-Oh everyone because my favorite card is Red Eyes Black Darkness Dragon and I can't find any way of making a good deck that revolves around it. I play Yu-Gi-Oh Reverse of Arcadia. I have all cards. Please help because I really like Yu-Gi-Oh and I want to impress my friends and uncle.
Do you agree that if Texas A&M, Texas, and Texas Tech switch conferences Baylor should come too?
I don't see this "superconference" happening due to the travel, but yes if schools like UT, OU, A&M and Tech make the jump so too should the Tigers.
What is the median age and range of the age of "poop" vandals on Wikipedia?
Just wondering if there is someone who actually tracks this kind of thing. And why? Seems that vandalism is always going to happen, Wikipedia is just another opportunity.
What to use to attached mdf on wall?
the best way to do it is to use an adhesive similar to liquid nails (i prefer PL400) on the back side and use a trim nailer to shoot trim nails. That's how a professional would do it
Oh come on now Liverpool!?
Guys! Where the heck are all the questions about Liverpool?! I was so excited to find this section and I see only two questions! Pfft, we're better than this, right?
Did you see this article?
I think the perceived forgetfulness is mostly due to the tiredness women often experience during pregnancy. Anybody who is tired, forgets things more easily
What was Joshua's ultimate payoff for being "God's Warrior" and faithful servant ?
Joshua was not seeking earthly rewards. Perhaps his greatest gift was that Israel continued to serve Jehovah all the days of Joshua, who died at age 110, no small feat by any means.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I missed my court date?
Inquire from the registration or clerk. dont panic, its alright; court is always meant to be mean to you and time consuming you returned the favor dont return next time.
What are your thoughts on this piece?
...Hmmm, I feel like an idiot sometimes when offering advice, critique, or suggestions for any type of poetry. But I'll give it a try. How about "Wanderings of a lost soul" ?
Is our world a mockery?
living here on earth for 20 yrs I have realized that we make a mockery out of almost everything. One thing that people need to get over are certain symbolic things that one cannot say or do because they have been used in a bad way. Will people ever get over the middle finger and move on, like how long will that take, centuries, seriously. Wearing your hat backwards and wearing bandannas in school, again seriously. I can't wear a freakin' bandanna to school because it represents something else, wtf, it's fashionable. I should write a book with the title, Is Our World a Mockery
What should I do about a wound that wont heal?
My prosthetic leg tore a hole in the underside of my thigh. Its been pretty painful since wednesday. It hasn't really healed at all because its in a tough spot. If I sit down, i'm putting pressure on it, or if I stand up there is pressure on it. Even if I lay down if i'm not on my stomach it hurts. I need to have this healed up because i'm a really active person and i'm going to school at the moment. Any suggestions on helping it heal faster? Is there an ointment I can use or something?
Why Does This Teacher Keep Giving Me D's?
I honestly don't know how this would turn out since it really depends on your administrators, but I would make these complaints known to the administrators, obviously not by yourself, voice these concerns to your parents and have them come to your school and talk to someone about it. If this teacher is being unfair to you, you shouldn't let that affect your grade. Maybe your administrators will take your side and speak with the teacher. Make sure to name plenty of examples such as the lipstick thing you just mentioned and how you didn't even have your lipstick out. Although with a name like Fashion Gurl something tells me that you do put on lipstick sometimes during cl... Lol
Do you think that wearing..... ?
Do u think that wearing a singlet with ur bra strap showing is slutty looking, and do you think that wearing a singlet with thin straps underneath a singlet with thicker sts is any good ?? please help thanks :)
2011 NBA Finals rigged or just bad calls?
I have been watching the Heat vs Mavericks and I noticed that game 3 had MANY phantom calls favoring the Mavericks. I am not much to complain and all but the officiating was horrible.
How can I reduce the side effects of Prednisone?
I have been taking high doses (100mg+) of Prednisone of the past 2 months and have been tapered down to 60 mg. I have the typical moon face and bloating as well as lots of crazy adrenal stuff (hot/cold, tired/awake, happy/sad, etc) and would like to reduce these symptoms. Can I do anything with diet (drink tons of water, take vitamins, etc) to reduce these side effects? How long after I get down to a better dose (let's say 30 mg daily) will I start to look and feel more normal?
What would be the best thing to do?
Give her sometime to grieve. I'm sure she cares about you too but you have to understand that she's going through a rough time and may need some space. I would definitely apologize immediately for being rude to her then let her know that you love her and when she's ready to hang out, you'll be waiting. The best thing to do is be supportive.
Why are republicans so ignorant?
Why are republicans like Elisabeth Helbeck so ignorant and in denial when talking any politics? She'd jump right on the republican bus and ride it right off the cliff, delirious of anything else going on around her. Can anyone explain that? By the way, I'm no Demo, I'm Libertarian/Indy.
Do 'relics' have different definitions? C/C?
I have been call a old relic, not for looks but my attitude! The older I get the more I see them ravaging our beauties of the past and the old Red Barn ('s) are fast becoming things seen only in pictures.
If you had this opportunity, would you take it?
As a babysitter you should be able to get references from their previous employees, uming they had any. You can ask for their contact number and ask why they decided to terminate their employment, if something fishy was going on and was the reason they quit, they'll most likely tell you. And if you are unsure about taking the job, don't, or opt for the commuting option.
Which of the following statements is Not true about electron configurations?
B is the incorrect statement. The outer shell of an atom can hold 8 electrons, thus the octet rule. Therefore it could not gain any more electrons in it's shell if it already has eight.
Get random spells on Oblivion?
I just made a new character on Oblivion and I was going through the whole tutorial phase and I keep getting random spells that I don't earn normally as i did with one of my last charecters. I made a Breton Mage and one time right after i loaded my game, I had like 3 new spells out of nowhere like electrifying touch. Is this a glitch or a normal buildup of a mage?
Can someone help me critique this?
i know thins might sound lame . but there are web sights that show how to type in mla format in explicit detail . also i think there is an official web sight
What is materialism from a metaphysical understanding ?
materialism states that everything is made of matter. so the way i see it is that life is basically all about material object. is this a correct understanding of materialism? is this a metaphysical understanding ?
What are your Opinions on the New the Mortal Kombat game?
I really like it. It is very reminiscent of the original games, which is a good thing. While the controller may be different, I felt right at home having played the games originally on the genesis. Original? not quite. Bad ***? Oh yes. I feel the series is finally back to form after the last couple of years giving us what was not quite Mortal Kombat.
Why did Obama sue Citibank to force them to make bad loans and then say lenders should not make bad loans?
Obama''s baby the notorious ACORN, trained by BO, strong armed the bank loaners to not only loan to bad creditors, but people with NO JOBS!
"College paper?!"?
wondering if anyone can help me with writting out at least 3 sentences to start off my introduction for my paper. It's for one of my cles called "Foundations of Leadership" and we have to discuss how our perspective on academic faithfulness was changed or confirmed during the course of this cl. Yeah I'm a college student. A freshmen actually. 18 years old..I've done papers before..but for some reason I do not know how to start this paper off. I've read the two books that we were required to read...one called "The Way od The Shepherd", and the other one called "A Guide to Students: The Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfulness". This cl is required to be taked by EVERY incoming freshmen or transfer student..and it's basically a cl that's suppose to teach us how to be faithful in our academics and whatnot. I've missed quite a few cles...so I wasn't really there for most of the lectures...due to cirstances out of my control..so therefore..anyone here wanting to help me?
Should human beings be replaced by robots?
Watson defeated Jeopardy's best. Robots do not need health care. According to most atheistic Liberals, we do not even have souls. Wouldn't the most prudent answer be just let man die off and let more efficient machines resume in place of humanity? We can teach them to repair themselves and make newer, improved machines. This could be done in a matter of a couple decades-long before man's global warming destroys us all.
Can you feel your heart breaking when it happens?
my ex bf, when he was yelling at me, and telling me to die, i sware my chest hurt, like my heart was breaking...has this happened to anyone else?
Mommy? Why is the Pentagon halting cremations at a pet cemetary if they never happened?
they didn't say it NEVER happened. they said they didn't have any evidence to show it happened. if your mom didn't love you, don't project that on us.
Who thinks Lackey's out of his mind? =D?
agreed, he is a front of the rotation guy but he isn't a dominant ace any more... and teams are broke, there are teams trying to cut pay roll all over... there is no way he gets that much, he's nuts.
Teal, Yellow & a dash of silver?
Teal happens to be one of my favorite favorite hues. I am just not so sure about the bridesmaids outfits matching the tablecloths. You spend sooo much money for the dress, you don't want to blend in with the table. Perhaps a more striking contrast between the bridesmaids dresses and the table cloths, at least the table where they sit. Would you consider one silver tablecloth for the bridesmaid's table? Would that blend too much with your dress? If it is a darker silver, it might look splendid, and contrast so very well with the BM frocks. Consider it my dear. Someone might not notice where their dress ends, and the table begins, and I can imagine some frightfully hilarious scenarios.
Who would you like to see become stables or tag teams in WWE or TNA?
I personally like the X Division of TNA with Amazing Red, he can tag with anyone in his division and do great. I would like to Amazing Red and Rey Mysterio on a one on one or as a tag team vs. anyone. W0W! that would be amazing...
How can i get over jealousy?Please be supportive?
okay this is so stupid please dont laugh n think im dumb! okay here goes nothin (huh) i have this huge crush on my favorite celebrity lil wayne and he dated this gurl named trina dont you know how wen a persons jealous of another they always compare themself! well thats wat i do and she has so many features that i dont light skinned, real thick, long pretty legs n most of all a fat dont get me wrong i can be beautiful n i have a but its not as big as hers n bout the light skinned thing he said sumthing really hurtful he said in his song california luv you know i like em reddish witch is a redbone light skinned i cried wen i heard it cuz im chocolate n he always sayz he ned a bad yellow trick why is he discriminating women like that he may neva know he may fal in luv wit 1 n i think bout it everyday so im constantly sinnin pepz always talkin bout me cuz im chocolate n it aint fair so i cant stand trina nor her music hes dating this gurl nivea n i stil fell da same
Is there any risk while downloading torrents?
The simple thing to do is to virus check your downloads before running them and make sure you have a good firewall to stop intruders.
During the turbulent sixties in america when there were riots all across the country because of racial tension?
and the war in vietnam, how bad did riots overall get in the u.s.? what year in the 60s specifically saw the worst rioting all across america? what if the riots multiplied themselves by at least 100x as to how they were going on during the turbulent 60s? would martial law be declared all across the u.s.? how bad did riots get during the 1960s across america? there were race riots and the thing going on in southeast asia.......... can a political commentator please tell me...........
Anyone think the liddel silvia fight was way overated?
the fight had ALOT of hype, and it turned out to be in my opinion a pretty good fight, that is way overated do to the hype beforeand, anyone agree? I definately think it was NOT the fight of the year.
How do i drop the transmission out of a 1999 ford ranger 4wd?
i have taken everything off except the starter cable and it wont come out. haynes manual said to remove c clamp and then push in and turn and it would pop out...it wont and there looks to be a bolt holding it on but i cant get to it because its inside the . any suggestions?
Help! please.....Error loading stylesheet: Parsing an XSLT stylesheet failed?
it happens when i visit some web pages like the character search on the blizzard website etc... does anyone know what i can download or do to fix it?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Am I the only person who prefers Casey on a girl?
i love the name casey, but not for a boy, i hate it on a boy. it sounds so feminine. i like it spelled kasey or maybe kaycee tho. the name kasey victoria is my fav girls name! what do you think of that name? and do you prefer casey on a girl like me?
Field Hockey Stick Purchasing?
TK is amazing and last prettty long. Best brand by far. its actually from germany. wood is lighter than composite. composite hits farther but is harder to control than wood. wood might break if u get it from a local sports store. your stick should only cost $90 at most. they have great grip too. Go to longstreth and u can actually test it out with the hitting.
I have a tenant who is subletting mobile homes in my park (florida) but is not paying any taxes on the income?
No he is responsible to report rental income on his 1040. You have no obligation. You can report him to the IRS for tax evasion
Which track event should i compete in this winter?
No worries about being stubby! Being a small person is an excellent advantage for cross country! Being light would also be a great et for cross country! Just keep training and giving practices and meets your all! You'll keep on improving!
Where to buy certain brand of lingerie?
I want to get my wife some lingerie from hustler, where can I find a good store that sells this brand?
Is this a poem or a parody ?
Is this yours? I guess it's both. I thought it was really funny :D even though it's about a serious topic.
Sims 2 Apartment Life?
does it work with downloaded custom content? I read somewhere that it couldnt? If it couldnt, does it then mean that all the downloaded CCs will never show up even when you enable them?
What are the hours for the Walmart on El Camino in Sacramento?
For the love of God, the store doesn't have a recording stating its hours, and the Walmart website just says "Since store hours vary from store to store, call the store directly for their hours." Sheesh. I am trying to find out when they OPEN tomorrow, Sat. Sep. 5.
Can anyone answer this for me?
can your blood counts be normal and still have melanoma? please explain. all test of Blood work are normal. Now I am waiting for the results of a removed mole. how long does it take , normally , to bet tests back?
What dose a reptilian alien voice sound like?
ok i have had a weird encounter with a reptilian but i must no exactly what there voice sounds like and please no comments saying im crazy if u dont believe me i dont care!
Just would like someone to chat with about anything. Going through a real rough patch in my life.?
I'm 24, just graduated college, had a plan. Stay in the area where I went to college and stay close to my "was girlfriend." She had alot of drug issues and has been getting better the past year. My father got diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer, so I came home after college to help him and my mother out. This decision to come home I feel like it ruined my chances of being with a girl I really really really loved and still love alot. She slept with her ex boyfriend about a month before the semester ended because she was so drunk she thought we broke up after an argument... Now I've been home for a month, and we talk here and there. but now i suspect my dad has been cheating on my mom and she knows about it... I came home to help out, and now it feels like everything I had absolutely fell apart so quick, just dont know what to do anymore...
Should I buy the Line Gun?
In Dead Space 2, I'm out of the hospital and at the shop. I can buy the Line Gun and the Javelin Gun. My question is though, should I buy the Line Gun or save my money?
How do I replace rear leaf springs? '93 F150 2wd 300cid I6?
I have purchased new leaf springs, shackles & brackets. I won't have a problem replacing the brackets. But I'm wondering what will happen when I try to force a fresh new leaf spring into the same position as the old tired sacked-out leaf springs. Will I have to jack the truck up very high to get the axle to drop low enough (to account for the stiff new arch in the new spings?) I've already sprayed a oil on all the nuts and rivets to make things a little easier. Thanks for everyones help!
Does my boyfriend love me?
Me and my friend are doing an extra credit prodject in science cl. If completed and completly works we will get 10 points added onto our final average. We need to build a purification system that can filter out an entire happy meal (cheese burger) all we know is it has to go through a smell test, it has to look clear, salt and chlorine test and lastly a greese test. We need to have a half a liter of clear and nice water. The question is how and what materials do we need? specifically step by step please?
Do i have stomach ulcers from throwing up randomly.. a LOT?
Ever since my girlfriend of 6 months n i broke up every once and a while the last month or two i will randomly throw up. i feel kind of depresseed but not all the time. I feel like i have a knot in my stomach a lot. Im in pretty good shape and eat right. But ill randomly be with friends at the mall and i started barfing everywhere. Thats happened 3 or 4 times now. Do i have an ulcer or is throwing up being depressed or what? any opinions appreciated.
In hospital sketches...?
In hospital sketches, how did louisa may alcott make her autobiographical stories seem more like fiction through the use of persona and figurative language? Give examples and write at least three sentences. :)thank u!
What will show up on my CRB check?
Yes, it was a juvenile crime anyway. And it's likely you were only cautioned, not charged. Don't worry about it, it won't be held against you :-)
HELP!!!what to wear to drayton manor tomorrow!!?
Im 14 and Im going to drayton manor with school tomorrow were allowed to wear are own clothes, but im not sure what to wear. its probably going to rain tomorrow aswell. i found this cardigan on republic website a href="http://www.republic.co.uk/knitwear/miso-cocoon-cardigan/invt/86952/" rel="nofollow"http://www.republic.co.uk/knitwear/miso-…/a i like the colour but i want it to be a chunker wooly cardigan. please can someone post a full outfit from uk store and include links, thanks :)
How can I improve my novel idea?
There is no need to improve it just write it. You have all the ingredients for a good story and I have to say that there is just a little of Logan's Run about it even if the age and intelligence requirements are different. If you don't have an ending don't worry because that will come to you as you write the story. As for improvement - not necessary - why try to fix something if it is not broken. Good luck with your story.
Will this be an okay day?
You need to eat at least 1200 calories. Aim for 1g of protein per bodyweight. Have protein every meal or snack. Eat every two hours. And drink a **** ton of water.
Does Similac Alimentum have DHA & ARA?
DHA & ARA being added to formula is only a fairly recent thing. It wasn't in any of the formulas when I had my daughter just six years ago. I don't think Alimentum has it, because I sometimes pick up formula for my 6 month old granddaughter now and all the ones that have it are boldly announcing it on the front of the can, but I have yet to see it on Alimentum.
What are some good introductory, mainstream books on bond investment?
I want to get a book for father's day, and figured it'd be about as good a idea as any, specifically because he's uncertain about diversifying his portfolio.
I need information on Eros?
i need more information on eros we are working on it in school and i can not find who worships Eros any information will be he very helpful.
Do you have to tell your employer if you are schizophrenic?
You can tell your employer about your mental issue, and it is possible to shut or block the ordinary auditory stimulus, and you could work like other people.
Which 4 America's got talent acts will advance?
Are these the acts that all performed last night? If so, I loved the magician and the girl who sang at the end. For some reason I cannot remember any of their names, and I also wasn't sure how many of them they would let through, but I hope it's more than one!
Do you remember the name of your first Cabbage Patch Kid?
My first cabbage patch kid was one actually belonging to my daughter many, many years ago. Cabbage patch kids can make you feel so old!
Is it worth getting an M.F.A. in Playwriting if I want to teach at a college?
I am currently trying to decide if I should continue into graduate school, however, I am thinking about a playwright mfa. I live in nyc. Do I need more than a M.F.A. to teach in college and/or do I need more than that?
I dont want to live here! :(?
i live with my grandma, an she's is such a ***** .i have alot of stuff its just i dont get to hang out with my friends, she said there street kids!? an ther just going to ther friends house ,. im not aloud to go anywhere.... an im so depressed liveing here..... pleaser help me.? i dont have any real friends because of her!.. i have ran away b4 btw...
Why can't i read older messages in my inbox?
Yahoo is still having some problems at the moment. Suggested cures range from Update Adobe Flash Player and Javascript to clear IE7 cache, cookies, and browsing history. Different things seem to work for different people. It's causing attachments to not show, 999 errors where it won't let you do a particular action and some people cannot send receive delete or move mail. It's not just Vista either it's happening to some of us on XP. I have been advised to use this site to view my mail, www.mail2web.com if all else fails go back to clic mail via this link. a href="http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/dc/optout?script=no"http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/dc/optout?s…/a click yes when asked do you want to opt out. Hope this helps.
How to paraphrase these sentences?
There are prominent circles of confusion and halation around highlights or light-valued areas of objects in front of the principal plane of focus. The effect of a principal plane of focus on the formation of circles of confusion is conspicuous in the treatment of the chandelier in A Painter in His Studio; here the circles of confusion become extremely large in contrast to the much smaller circle formed at the far wall which defines that principal plane. The highlights spread into small circle, and in such images the solidity of the form of a barge for example is disintegrated in a way that is very close to the well-known effect of light reflected as a point from an object in nature pes through a lens and is not revolved.
Amber and Maci from MTV's Teen Mom?
Why are they SO orange? And why are their hands all white? Is it from spray tans or those over the counter bottles of rub on tan?? Which one does this to them? I want to know so I never look like them! lol
Friday, August 12, 2011
What is a good video-editing program?
I am stringing together some clips from a ski trip on the computer program showbiz. I've worked on it for the last 5 months and when I finished it, I found that it will not save my file on the the computer so I can't download it on the internet or even make a DVD or CD (It saves it as a program file and I can't use it except on the actual program). Anyone know any good video-editing programs that won't use up a ton of memory, won't put a hole in my wallet, fairly simple to use and will let me actually burn a DVD? Must be windows XP compatible.
SERIOUS computer troubles?
i owuld do a system restore back to the last date before this happened then i would go on line and do a free online virus scan. if anything is detected i would definatly sh*t can you existing scanner and get somthing new. kaspesky is always good.
A little help here? just look?
i like it. very cute. its your myspace and you can have it any way you want it, I don't think that there is anything wrong with it. I love howw you said that people change and pretty much the whole second paragraph. it is exactly what I think. lol. and you are pretty. :)
My Panasonic Viera TH-50px50u loses its blue color after i play a dvd. How do i fix it?
There exists an issue between the TV itself and my dvd player (a Denon DVD-1710). When playing a DVD through the fore mentioned device the color blue becomes more blue-green. This issue has been fixed by a repair man, and yet here I am again. How can I fix this issue, or at least figure out where the problem lies.
Tata Motors in India is introducing the Nano, the world's cheapest car--are you in line to buy one?
$2000, no air conditioning. But it is supposed to get many people in India off their motorbikes and into automobiles. I'm overjoyed at the prospect of many millions more people pouring toxins into the air. Are you?
What moisturizer lasts all day?
ok well if your going to go cheap then I recommend like the stuff ur using but just apply more but for like body use nivea, i suggest organic or laura mercier for face lotion but that stuff is expensive but for sensitive skin i hope that helps:)
Who is ready to sit for a Truth Test ? What would you fear to be asked abt ?Would you be nervous ? relaxed ?
i would be relaxed and calm. i have nothing to hide, and i am not ashamed or regret anything i did. so therefore id be ok.
Budweiser Beer Steins!?
hey any one know all the exact years that the budweiser beer steins came out or have a web site that has a complete list would be great !
If/When Bush invades Iran should Israel pick up part of the bill?
They got a $1 trillion freebie for Iraq. How about giving the US taxpayer some help with Iran or maybe they'd like to use their own military? On second thought, if the IDF fights like it did against the Hezbollah militia I'd hate to see what they'd do against an entire country like Iran.
How to Compare Whitman To Poe?
I am trying to find the similarities and differences between Edgar Allen Poe's Sonnet-- To Science and Whitman's "When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer" Are the poems similar despite their differences? Help me yze the format, syntax, figurative language, diction, rhyme, rhythm, and meter of these two poems.
Ok does this cheer requirments sound fair?
I think freshman sounds really easy, so does sopre, so much more could be accomplished if you start BHS in soph.
Does anyone other than myself believe that the Iraq war has been contrived to ascertain control over oil ?
Although we have all been lead to beleive that Iraq (along with Afganistan) have become 'irritant' terriost countries that have required the intervention of western politics and millitary to retain control of their government, is it not also concievable that oil has lead the western world here in the process. Think about it, countries such as darfur and Bhurma and zimbabwe have been riddled with corrupt powers overlooking them yet western intervention to protect these countries has been minimal to say the least. The difference between them and Iraq is power of oil and the survival of western economy as we know it and yet with Mr. Bush recently liasing with a newly imposed iraqi government and agreeing to lease oil to the west for oil and the sudden suggestion that american military must be removed from combat in 17 months doesnt this all seem a bit, well obvious. I ask you guys is it just me or do others feel that this is all a bit well staged?
The best kids songs CD?
Do You know about kids songs CD, that has songs like Itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle little star, alphabet song, baa baa black sheep, old McDonald, wheels on the bus, etc? I looked at few, but none had all the the songs I want.
Will a prospective employer ask the previous employer the reason for leaving when asking for a reference?
I was dismissed from my position on a technicality will I feel will unfairly harm my chances of future employment. I have been offered a new job but am worried my prospective employer will ask why I left. I am 99% sure they will but want some glimmer of hope!
I've not been getting much of a response so I thought I would ask again..... Baby Names?
I love Benjamin for a boy, it's my little brother's name. Also have you thought about Katelyn for a girl? it's my name and i think it's pretty! My middle name is Marie and i think they go well together!
Surround Sound System Question?
you will have to use the new HDMI cable the composite cable does not carry hi def signals
Stan, by Eminem.............?
Listen to Dancing with the Devil by Immortal Technique. and yea eminem is beast. and to that person who said Recovery was bad.wtf?
What can i do to make my style different??
I have a kind of girlie style i guess but this summer i want to make my style different. What are some things i could wear to diversify my wardrobe?
Young woman in search of friends?
Soon I will be going off to college and my bst friends will be moving to differnt states. i hoped o make some friends online. i checked chat site but it seemed too personal. does anyone know a website that allows people to chat and exchange e mail adresses. i just want a reliable site. i am eighteen.
Lost your job? Need a new one? Skilled workers need not apply for a job under Obama's stimulus package.?
Your dead right. Plus, Obamas idea of stimulus is with his pants down, in the back of a limo with Larry Sinclair.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I need some help with hydration and evening out my skin tone, please!!?
It sounds like you might have a condition like eczema. I would definitely see a dermatologist to find out for sure. There are creams that can help with it that will reduce the flaking and redness.
Wasn't the "Last Supper" actually a seder?
Yes, it was. Artists didn't pay much attention to historical accuracy, which is why they portrayed the participants as European-looking males in a room that looked like it came from a 14-15th century Italian house.
Does anyone know if the PCR (Production and Casting Report) is any good?
It's supposed to feature hundreds of acting jobs. Is anyone a subscriber or has subscribed in the past? Is it worth it? Thanks!
Chances at NYU or SUNY Stony Brook?
hello. i am going to be a junior next year and have been looking into colleges. i looked at NYU and Stony Brook. So far through freshman and sophmore, i have a gpa of 3.87. I am going to take the PSAT next year and hopefully will do good. I am doing a program that helps me with that so I am not to concerned. Also, I will play 4 years of varsity bball, 3 years of varsity tennis, and 2 years of varsity soccer. I have been playing guitar outside of school for almost 7 years now. I plan on working for the next 3 years, right now i work at a grocery store. I also have been volunteering at a retirement home, but they are people that have alzheimers. i took 1 AP cl so far and are taking 2 next year. I have taken also 5 Pre-Ap's so far as well. What are my chances of getting into NYU and Stony Brook? Or maybe a good school thats cheaper than NYU but in NY? thanks a bunch
Cephalexin and regular Ortho birth control for acne?
So I have been on Ortho for 3 months, and started the cephalexin (550mg 2x a day) for 12 days now. My acne did not get better from taking ortho (I felt it got worse) and my skin is not better on cephalexin. I was also prescribed differen for night and erygel for the morning which i have been doing for 10 days. Should I stick to all of this or what? has anyone taken ortho and cephalexin together? when should i start seeing improvements in my skin. I have moderate acne.
Do those pheromone sprays that attract women really work? And if they do which brand works best?
well, i don't know specifically for girls if it works. but i have one called pure and it works really well on men. sometimes at work all of us ladies will put it on and we get compliments all day. the scent is different on everyone and smells like nothing when its in the bottle. it is actually pretty neat. maybe try that one. good luck with the girls!
Name the following song...?
There a song that starts out with a girl talking and she says something to the effect of "I'm like baskin robbins, I got 31 flavors" and then it goes into the song, which if I remember correctly is a sort-of pop/rap song. Do you know the name or the group???
How would you make a papier mache statue of liberty?
I'm making one for decorations and I was wondering different ways to make it. How would you create one, about 4 feet, from the top of the arm to the base?
Fluent French speakers HELP!?
un lot, which you have in the sentence about watching television should be "beaucoup". You don't need to have 'sur' in front of lundi, because when you write Lundi at the beginning of the sentence, it is umed that you are saying 'On Monday'. You need to put the definite article in front of week-end. And with the sentence starting 'La semaine prochaine', it should read, j'aurai un semaine charg�e (I will have a busy week). Don't need sur in front of mecredi for the same reason you don't need it in front of lundi. Je vais les faire avec mes amis parce qu'ils les aime aussi. <-- This is how your last sentence should read.
I have a Cultural Identity Crisis? Can you advise me please?
Do whatever you want. You are an individual and have a right to make decisions about yourself and your values. You don't have to be put in a box and be defined by your heritage. You certainly don't have to allow yourself to be verbally abused by those with different sensibilities than your own. Tell them to back off and wear whatever you want.
How can I increase my partner's libido post-baby?
You should expect this to go on forever. My parents stopped once I was born because my mom had a C-Section.
How do I compete with someone who is perfect?
I'm a junior in high school. I have long hair, pimples, and I drink beer in the bathrooms. He -I'll call him D- looks like a greek god and is captain of the swim team. I dress myself in whatever I find on the floor. He looks like he has a team of dress coordinators working day and night to put together the most perfect and flattering outfits for him. I'm sometimes pretty funny in cynical and extremely dry way. He's got the sense of humor that isn't exactly profound or deep but that has teachers, students, parents, everyone and anyone laughing. When girls meet him, within a week they're talking like they've known him all their lives. They're going back and forth to each others houses after school. They're going to the movies and hanging out and doing whatever he wants because he's perfect. My best friend that I've known since we were kids forgot about me when she met him and threatened me with violence the first time I ever voiced my opinion that he's a douche. I let him have her, though it's not like I had any choice. He used to talk about me behind my back to my friends but apparently I'M the one starting drama because he's just too sweet to do anything wrong. He takes the girls I'm interested in. He takes my friends. The one time I had the same cl as him, he had the teacher against me on the first day. I may be a little paranoid about all this, but it's driving me insane. I'm attracted to this one girl who is like the female version of myself. We get along perfectly and we think in much the same way about many things. Whenever I see her outside of cl, she's with D and while not together D always hugs her or puts his arm around her right then and there. If you couldn't tell, I'm extremely jealous of this guy. I want to be him but at the same time I hate his guts, and I am not the type of person who hates people without reason. Being that my teenage mind is underdeveloped and raging hormones have me permanently confused and making irrational decisions, I'll trust to your opinions on what I should do.
Is Yahoo answers on the fritz again?
Whenever I click on a question, usually it comes up, but sometimes it says the question was deleted. Then I go back, and click on it again, and it comes up. Then, sometimes, as I try to post an answer, it says, sometimes, that Yahoo! Answers in unavailble. Is it on the fritz, or is somebody just updating it and we don't know?
Lost contact with a friend from Canberra, Australia?
I'm having problems finding contacts of this boy I met on a Beijing Tour in January 2003. I'm struggling really hard because the only details I have is his name (Michael), where he's from (Canberra, Australia) and that he's cantonese. I also have 2 photos of him but that doesn't help because I can't exactly scan the photo and google that. I don't even know where to start because I don't know his surname, please someone help. :(
Why does it seem that Reformation Protestant fundamentalists can't comprehend the real meaning of idolatry?
seems? they actually can't! what they have were just fed to them by their reformation protestant predecessors. everything that's not fed to them is beyond them!
How do you delete/rename address favourites in mio C520 v3.3 (mio map)?
PLEASE help me ...I have bought an X demo mio C520 and it has already got an address stored for favourites . How do I remove or change the address ...the manual doesnt mention anything ! please help me ..also when I save address in the mio GPS it also has folders which I cannot rename or add for my address ...how do I remove them !! please reply as soon as anyone knows the solution..thanks
Good Black/Blue/white Artifact deck?
It looks good. I would suggest cutting the extraneous cards that do nothing to help your theme, like Shell Skulkin, Thoughtcutter Agent, Protective Bubble, Quietus Spike, Voltaic Key, Dispeller's Capsule, Trip Noos, Sphinx's Herald, Pack's Disdain, Rattleblaze Scarecrow, and Disenchant. After you remove all those, I would suggest adding in more of the excellent cards you already have, like Ethersword Canonist, Tidehollow Strix, Esper Charm, Sharuum the Hegemon, and Brilliant Ultimatum. I would also suggest you get Scourgl, if possible, a 4-of. They are extremely powerful against nonartifact decks, since it is pretty much a one-sided Akroma's Vengeance.
Deathbed confession: If someone thinks they are going to die, are they supposed to confess what they've done?
As a Buddhist I can ure your deathbed confession is unlikely to help you if it generates more pain and bad karma for you.
Will Joe Carter ever make the Hall of Fame? In 16 seasons from 1983-1998, he hit 396 HR's, 1,445 RBI's, 2,184
i luv the phillies, but Joe definetly should make it, he was a heck of a player even tho he crushed us
What should I do about my disgruntle friend?!?
My friend invited me to this awesome party. When we got there she went off to flirt with every woman and man in sight. I was having a great time and meeting new people when some "furries" walked in. I was a little surprised but everyone seemed to be fine with it so i struck up a conversation with one. I got interested in the whole furry subculture and did a little research. Since then I've hung with a few of my new furry friends as their human selves and their fursonas. I think its really interesting they all seem so nice but my friend called me an idiot for hanging out with them and becoming close with a few of them. She called me a furvert ,at a different party, which I didn't quiet understand was an insult (I know its really dumb to not have realized what that meant) until she got thrown out "for disturbing the tranquil and accepting environment". She has always been a good friend and very accepting but now that I've found something fun , but very different I'll admit, she seems a little less friendly. I don't want to lose my new friends but i don't want to lose her either. So what should i do?
Can my boss withhold my paycheck.?
Hello, I am 17 years old, and just quit my job. When I first started this job as a dishwasher two years ago, we recieved a simple red t-shirt with the company name on it. I wore it for a month, but then it got ruined with bleach and grease/oil from dishwashing. For the other 23 months I have just worn whatever I wanted and they didn't care since the shirt got ruined. My boss won't give me my paycheck until I give him the shirt, which has been thrown away a year and a half ago. Naturally, this was my busiest work week for 48 hours (a paycheck over $400). Can he keep my paycheck because I don't have the $5 shirt they gave me when I first started?
Will I feel pain under intravenous sedation?
I'm having root c therapy under conscious sedation, but am getting scared after reading that the drugs don't kill the pain, only make you relaxed etc. I know I will also have local anaesthetic (needles) but they didn't work on this tooth as it has an inflamed nerve (the dentist tried already and 4 needles didn't work). I don't want to be in pain and trapped in the chair unable to speak up.
What style of dress will look good for a Night in Paris theme?
Your lucky your going to homecoming.i can only dance "footloose".I done a "beginners ballroom dancing" course for 8 weeks and accidently stepped on a woman's foot. i can only dance "footloose".i danced "footloose" in a club and 4 ladies invited me and my friends to the table.
Dividing a number by 5 is a decrease of what percent?
the first one is 5/100 divide 100 by 5 and make it a percent, and that would be the percent. the other one 100/100 is what that means that the are was not increased because it is 100% which is one whole
Best place to sell your used CD's online at a competitive price in UK?
I've already tired play.com,ebay,amazon,music magpie but i need a site I can sell my cds directly and not wait for them to be bet on. Also, it has to be a UK site.I don't want to spend a fortune in posting them either. Any proper advice would greatly appreciated ta
Baseball rotator cuff injury?
Two thrusdays ago i injured my rotator cuff, i've been to three doctors and a physical therapist. They all say its strained, its been about a week and a half and my arm is feeling great, will my arm reach the velocity i was at before the injury if i take good care of it, and will i beable to build up velocity to higher than before?
Where can I find information on my Stevens Maynard Jr 22 LR?
The Stevens Company introduced the Maynard Jr. (No. 15 rifle) in 1900 using the Maynard design which they owned the patent rights to. The Maynard Jr. was a 22 rimfire rifle with an 18 inch part round/part octagon barrel, and blued finish. Early models have a stock made from a flat board with the edges slightly rounded off. Later models (manufactured after in April, 1906) have a regular oval type of stock. The Maynard Jr. was an economy model in the Stevens line, very simply designed and cheaply constructed. During it's entire production life, retail prices remained at $3.00. Stevens manufactured the Maynard Jr. from 1900 to about 1912, if your rifle has the flat stock it was manufactured between 1900 and 1906, if it has a rounded stock, it was manufactured between 1906 and 1912.
I would like to meet someone, female, a friend, a confidant, someone I can really get to know and talk to. ?
I am married, but would like to have a friend I can talk to, sort of off the record. Preferably a female. Someone who is looking for the same. Your thoughts on this?
Am I a hoarder or just plain lazy?
I let trash aculated in piles around my place until there are little pathways between piles about 1-2 feet high. My sink fills up with rotting leftovers cause I just throw scraps in there. When I finally get motivated to clean it up I have no problem throwing anything out but it takes me half a year.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
How would you design this garage?
I have a 3 car car age one space is tandem. How would I design a bar area in the tandem space and should I get one big tv or 2-3 smaller ones
One in Three Chance (Probability)?
I don't think you can convince him. This particular argument is very difficult to get people to understand, especially if you are done the actually picking cards experiment.
Can depression be turned outward?
So I've heard that depression described as anger turned inward, but can the opposite effect still be depression. My mother has suffered from it for some time, but I've never been sure if it's purely cirstantial or clinical because she is one of the angriest people I've ever known. She does have her moments where she is melancholic, but she blames everyone else for her problems. She never takes responsibility for the things she's done wrong, and she has little regard for the way she treats other people, but is incredibly sensitive to other people slighting her, even if she provoked it. I've also struggled with depression since I entered my teens, and growing sometimes she would be blame me for her feelings of depression because she thought I was infecting her with them. She can be incredibly selfless and very loving, but she can also be emotionally abusive and almost violently angry. She's never struck him as a typical sufferer of depression. I've never trusted her to visit therapists because she has a victim complex and will lie compulsively(usually to make herself look better). And when she isn't, she manages to be very histrionic. I'm not exactly sure what she has.
California Food Stamps?
Do you receive your EBT card or your PIN first when first getting food stamps in Los Angeles? I received the pin without the card and it's been almost a week, wanted to make sure before I reported the card missing.
What would be a good name?
I have to say that parents from lower socio-economic backgrounds think it is cool to give their children bizarre names.
What do you think should be done about the current Israel/Gaza crisis?
The Israeli leaders want to keep occupying land that was never part of Israel. The Israeli leaders are maintaining their occupation of the native people of Palestine by organize state terrorism. It is Israel vs the world legal system.
Exfoliating, help! how to exfoliate properly?
alrite, so i have acne prone skin, everyday i use a rough sponge to exfoliate the ingrown haird on my beard with clearasil ultra, i then use cold water to close the pores. on weekend when i shave i have a normal lukewarm shower, and then use st ives apricot scrub to exfoliate. afterwards i clean my face with cold water. i don't like those little grains from the scrub being left around on my face, coz when i try to use this light mosturizer, those little grains come in the way. any tips on how i can get over this problem? are there any steps which im doing wrong? i was thinkin of using clearasil after using the scrub, is this a good idea? please help!
What do i wear...?
What's your favorite outfit in your dads house.All you have to do is waer something colourfull and something really cute.
Modern followers of Dionysus or Bacchus?
They do...but they tend to be rather quite about it since they often do things that most people would find ually perverted.
So native americans came from siberia right my dad which is black and cherokee an ur saying he came from russi
so ur saying my dad is from russia which siberia is in russia and that make my dad russian right, because everyone say native americans came from siberia right. and see my mom is russian b/c my grandma mother was born in russia my mom is german and italian. and my mom always denied that she is russian why is she denied it for b/c evrytime i tell my mom i'm russian and u r 2 she say no i'm not
I want chone figgins so i will have a 2b and a lf in one spot who should i trade?
Idealy paul konerko, but I don't really see that trade being accepted. You could get try to trade away Jason Bay. Figgins would be able to fill his lf position and also 2nd base.
Crayfish care please help!?
i went fishing last week and got some crayfish along with a small muskie about three inches and put them in a temporary tank how do i care for them also i can not put them back because the lakes surface is frozen solid now
Germans: Please define: "Unter den Linden," and "den Gendarmenmarkt"?
Es gibt in der Stadt sehr viel zu sehen – zum Beispiel das Brandenburger Tor, den Boulevard Unter den Linden, den , die Museumsinsel und das Regierungsviertel.
A girl, ask me,what do i want as a gift from a foreign country, should i just be honest,and tell I want .?
My gramma hasn't had a bm in 2 weeks!?
She now has hemoroids from trying to go. She is on pain meds becasue of a back injury, so I am thinking thats why she is having troubles going. I told her to go to the pharmacy and get Fleet Phospha-Soda Oral Saline Laxative, she tried that a few times, and nothing. She went to her Dr, who in my opinion got her MD from a crackerjack box, and she told her to take miralax, and that hasnt worked. What can I tell her to do, she is miserable.
Why does my cursor and text freeze?
i'll just be typing along, in IM, email, or search engines, and then, Wham! my text freezes, as does my cursor. the only way out of it is to manually shut the computer off and then restart it! anyone know what the bleep is going on??
My tooth hurts near the gum line?
The second tooth behind my canine, really hurts when I touch it with my finger nail or brush it with a toothbrush. It hurts close to the gum line. Is this is serious problem or will it eventually go away? Could it have been from something I ate, or am I brushing too hard. I use colgate total toothpaste, should I switch to sensodyne?
Craigslist help with selling!?
This is a scam. They will send you a fake money order. You can always tell that it is from Nigeria or the UK because of the word "advert" and the awkward English syntax. They can never pick up the item in person and they always say a cashiers check and they will use an "agent". If you told them to come by and you did not provide the information above, they would not respond. There is no reason for anyone to have your information. Tell them you accept cash only when the "agent" arrives. No one tells you to take your ad off until you have sold your item. It is a form letter. You wont hear from them again.
Need diamond/pearl/plat/gold/silver battle today please?
hey i need to get a battle in today and would like to know if any1 would like to fight please leave ur name, code, and if ur ok with it ur email so we can actualy comunicate. thnx!
Why are so many Thai and Cambodian women so gorgeous?
There are many poor women but a lot of them are just soooooo friggin beautiful. Nice skin color, nice demeanor and usually are good people.
Monterrey 4- 1 chivas(chivas fans only)?
man, being a chivas fan, i was really excited about yesterdays game. Everything started out perfect with the penalty for us. But slowly everything started to fall apart after la tarjeta roja. I was really dissapointed and it will really suck if chivas doesnt p to semis, cuzz they were the best team en todo el torneo, de eso no hay duda, But everything can end on saturday. wat are ur opinions guys????
Why do Adam Sandler cameo in rob schneider movies and vice versa?
As youll notice in almost all of Adam Sandler's movies, he uses the same core group of people, about 6 guys, that appear in all his movies. They all are close friends and stick with Happy Madison productions (Adam Sandler's production company).
Do you think that most people need authority to work?
Let's face it. If there wasn't a manager at work, most of us would play games and not work. It goes back to our ancient roots. We would like to conserve energy and do things that would make us happy. What makes us happy? Food, Water, , and Rest, the primal instincts.
What are some things that i can make for my wedding?
i really love arts and crafts and i would like to make somethings (decorations maybe) for the reception and wedding. i've already decided that i will make our wishing well out of paper mache. any other ideas? our colours are red and gold. :)
Should I tell her I like her?
ok so you sound sweet, so when you takl to her you probably make her feel happy (a plus on your end) and she might just be saying she wants to stay single because theres no one at the school she lieks, or so she wants you to think. now im pretty shure in your messages she was wanting you to admitt it was her you liked! you should have gone for it! but there is still time. you guys sound liek your pretty close so i think you have nothing to worry about so just tell her :)
Some Book Recommendations For Me (see details please)?
Evil Genius, Genius Squad, H.I.V.E., H.I.V.E. The Overlord Protocol, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Ignatius McFarland: Freakquanaut, Graceling, The Tail of Emily Windsnap, Science Fair, The Kingdom Keepers, Ordinary Boy, Dormia, Found, Silverfin, Fairest, Eager, Surviving Antarctica, Questors, The Seems, The Looking Gl Wars, The 39 Clues, The Ruby Key, 11 Birthdays, On the Run, Everest, Island, Dive, Chasing Vermeer, Hoot, Kidnapped (Gordon Korman), and City of Ember. Artemis Fowl is my favorite, and it is about exactly what you said in your first paragraph. Most of these books have additional books in the series so look them up.
What do Americans really think about England?
Well it seems some Americans really hate us, supposedly we d Africa and American don't speak English, they speak American. Do you all believe this idiocy? Am I gonna have to direct you to the history book? Please some intelligent answers to prove my thoughts about this country wrong..
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
What is it with the idiot Warriors? Always letting good players go? Baron, Arenas, Hardaway, Webber, etc???
Baron Davis, Gilbert Arenas, Antoine Jamison, Tim Hardaway, Chris Webber, who else???, can you name a few more good players the idiot Warriors have let go? I'm a Warrior fan living in LA. Warriors basketball has had no relevence in the last decade until just last year. How long is this going to sink the Warrior organization and its braintrusts? What year will it show on your calendar before the Warriors can make the playoffs again?
VBA to show excel path name with server path?
a href="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/160529" rel="nofollow"http://support.microsoft.com/kb/160529/a
Who do u think is more hot.....Jessica Alba or Cameron Diaz?
I dont know who is the hotter one i'm not a guy i'm a girl and 2 of my friends that's guys are fightin ovr that......
What is Corpsman school like in Great Lakes, Illinois?
I'm heading for basic at the end of april. After that I'll be in corpsman school up there as well. What's it going to be like? Any info is appreciated. Maybe some do's and dont's as well. Thank you!
What does a low platelet volume indicate?
I can't tell you much about creatatine, but platelets are what cause your cuts to scab over. So a low platelet volume means you don't have enough platelets to scab over serious cuts. Just be careful around pointy things until the doctor tells you more.
Are the polk audio momo's good?
i want to get 4 15s rockford p3s or kicker cvrs 15 but for now im thinking about getting the MOMO'S cuz theyre cheaper but i dont know if theyll sound good. are they loud? spl? they are just gonna be temporary for like not even a year
Do you think there is another Universe?
How long and big is our Universe? What's beyond the universe? Another universe, like Milkyway galaxy, Andromeda galaxy- X universe, Y universe?
I cannot get tournament arena to work on webkinz.com. I can play singleplayer games but not multi player !?
i donot have phone shut off(i think)it works temp in clubhouse but goes to red(phone)out of clubhouse HELP Also cant rename webkinz's rooms
Baby Name - Help and your ideas ?
I don't like Logan for a girl because it's a very masculine name to me. I like Mia and Maddie for girls, and Logan and Corey for boys. Macalley sounds like a last name to me.
You guys notice how Fox news uses cloudy language to make Obama look like he is unpopular?
For starters,... Fox is the ONLY.....(and I Quote) "news" network to ever admit in court that they do *NOT* have to be honest in their reporting. Fox is the ONLY network who has fought in a court of law declaring it is there 1st amendment right (Freedom of speech) to (as per Fox Lawyers,," Distort the facts and mislead viewers" Fox claimed that "Fair ,Honest , Accurate, Reporting was Merely a policy and not a law" This was all brought out during a case 2 Fox reporters who were fired for refusing to lie after uncovering a health risk to women concerning RGBH hormones being given to cows in such high doses that it was showing up at dangerous levels in people. The Chemical Co. was /is tied to Murdock the owner of Fox so his Lawyers rewrote the story approx. 70 times to leave out all the incriminating facts. Fox never had much problem with distorting the facts when it put more $$ in Murdock's Pocket, But after Fox won this lawsuit on appeal, They went "NO HOLDS BARED" on the slants and bold faced lies, Rite on time for the Bush regime and his war for profit in Iraq
Does nyone know nygood disses?
me n my brother r alwasys fightin n like hes always dissin me n i have only dum old disses like "oo oo yah well umm ur so fat last time u saw 90210 it was on the bathroom scale! OHHHH!!" yah obv i need like serious help...HELP ME DEFEAT MY BROTHER N HIS AWEFUL (well pretty good) DISSES!! lmfao
Jews - "Whoever holds his membrum when he makes water is as though he had brought a flood on the world" - Why?
I'm with you.....those Jews are disgusting with all their perverse activities. What can we do about it? Can we get together and figure out how to keep the Jews from controlling the world? Don't you agree that the world would be a much better place without the kikes?
Tension between me and my friend?
its probably just a cry out for attention, i have a friend like that and once she got a new bf she stated acting funny and not wanting to hang out, now they have been dating for about 3 years and she has never been the same since...she is still dramatic. maybe you should straight up ask her wats wrong, and if she needs to talk. If she says no then maybe you should go to her parents, maybe there really is something wrong. Or do some detective work and try to find out if she has been talking to anyone that she usually doesn't, and if so find out about them and what their like.
Names of philosophy books by EkThar Toll?
EK THAR TOLL used to write columns under 'Mind Over Matter' in Times of India daily news paper on sunays
HELP Me Please?
I like the idea but the layout is a little bit "old people-ish" and the navigation is kind of frustrating. Other than that its not bad.
Cam Newton will become the GOAT?
Yes he'll become the GOAT after he finishes career. Yes even better than Montana, Manning, Brady, Elway, Marino. ALL OF THEM!
Hi.. Can you help me with my problem?
I have Noctiphobia & Necrophobia.. Means I'm scared of night & dead stuff.. Cause every nightfall.. I keep thinking that zombies will come to my house.. And tear me to pieces.. or ghost's disturbing my house.. like poltergeist.. I know this may sound stupid but.. I've been watching Lost Tapes lately.. and.. it freaked me out on that zombie episode.. And I don't get it.. when I was younger.. I loved zombie so much.. because I watched the movie Fido.. now.. I'm scared to even look at one.. Before I got scared of zombies.. I bumped my head while watching La Horde.. A french zombie movie.. It was scary.. Then the dreams happened.. Now, EVERY NIGHT I keep something blunt next to my bed.. Please guys.. I'm 13.. And I'm scared of nights & zombies..
Used to have b, now there isn't any?
i have a 97 4runner limited with factory sound which included an in-dash 3 disc changer with a small amp connected to it also in the dash, and factory speakers, but its original equipment so its 13 years old. the b wasn't too bad, i just wanted a new deck that played cds and was ipod compatible. i bought an alpine cda 105 deck and had it installed, kept the factory speakers, and i figured the sound would be as good if not better. but there is absolutely no b. it can get loud, but with no b. the original equipment sounded clearer and had b that would blow a speaker if the volume was loud enough. now, with this alpine deck installed, the sound is garbage. i've played with the b and treble settings, the defeat, the loudness, all of it. any help would be great? could the installer have hooked up the speakers out of phase? do i need an amp even though the alpine cda 105 has its own amp?
Michael Jackson or Lisa Marie fans I need an answer?
Because many saw it as a publicity stunt, to distract attention away from the child molesting allegation. It wasn't that it was weird, it was the timing. This is not an a opinion this is what was actually being said about Lisa Marie and MJ marriage. Also Lisa Marie and Priscilla confirm the media suspicion herself after she divorced MJ she and her mother felt he was using her for those reasons when they were on Oprah.
Viking LongShip (10 Points best answer)?
I need a diagram of a Viking LongShip that is clearly labled, with the keel and ribs and everything. Make sure its old. also 10 facts about those parts
How can I make my plain black nail polish look more y and chic not so halloweenish.?
I have soooo many black nail polishes and they look so drab like halloween I want to whole modern chic look what can I add to the polish in the bottle to make them look more sparkly and clean instead of so goth
Why is it that some people think that marriage is the sole proof of masculinity ?
I wouldn't question his masculinity, but I would question his moral and commitment to the mother and the children.
Catholics and other Christians have a duty to vote. Are you voting for the unborn?
I am a Catholic, and I strongly support the separation of church and state. I am also not a one-issue voter. I vote for whoever I feel will honestly be the best candidate overall. I don't listen to anybody, religious or otherwise, who demands that I vote a certain way. I do my own research, and come to my own conclusions.
How do I start a short line railroad with penger and tourist services?
I'm looking to start a Short Line Railroad (a Cl 3), with daily penger trains to connect with the local commuter trains to the cities (there is only bus service which is convoluted), and have a tourist train on the weekends and summer time (there is a street fair that attracts thousands every year at the end of July, and it's right along the railroad tracks down town and the park near the top end of down town), I already have the short line guide from the STB (it's in the USA), all I need is the penger and tourist operations start up guide/information. If anybody can point me in the right direction, that would be great. Thanks and God bless you.
Coolest rockstar name?
pete doherty, liam gallagher, kurt cobain,jon bon jovi ect.. are all great names for rockstars but which other one's are good? also name the band he/her is in? and is it their birth name or not
Rozsival for Wolski... who won?
I'll go with the Rangers. They get Wolski who will probably play on the third line and replace Frolov and save some money either for next year or for another trade later on. Sather is dumping those bad contracts and getting decent players in return. Now if they just get rid of Drury and they'll be in business.
What do you think his problem is?
Man this has to be one of the ultimate attempts to bring someone down I have ever seen. This guy must be so depressed and hate his life a lot to take the time to go on his "AUNTIES" computer and write all of that he must really really be envious of you and your lifestyle what a loser he must be. I would stay away from a person that is that jealous of you they can't mean you any good.
Illegal and getting caught?
I have read about obscenity and how uploading and downloading into and from your home is a federal crime under current laws. If you were to do either, would there be a chance you would get caught or have the government approach at your front door demanding your arrest?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Does jet fuel get hot enough to melt the steel engines of its airplanes if caught on fire?
Since all the engines of the 4 9-11 airplanes vaporized, was wondering at what temperature steel vaporizes turning into gas. Thanks.
Emmeline pankhurst siblings?
im trying to find the names of emmeline pankhurst's siblings with not really any luck. i'm pretty sure she had 11 siblings. 5 sisters and 6 brothers but some websites say 10 siblings. i'm soo confused... any ways im trying to find their names for a report so if anyone knows them that would be great :)
Is This A Good Plotline? (Please Comment!)?
The story starts off when a old golden retriver is telling the story of him living in moutains long ago, he also says that when one travels to the moutains, they learn there destiny,but the main character is a german shepard named Ranger. He is a city dog and lives with his rich owners, but without realizeing it he has the instincs of a forest dog. Later his owner is killed in a taxi crash and Ranger escapes into the woods when animal control tries to take him away. Ranger feels lost and miserable without his owner but he decides he will travel to the moutains to find his destiny. On his way he meets a husky named Captain who lives alone in the woods and the two travle together, dispite Ranger's distaste. They find a whole pack of wolves slaughtered and thrown into a river to rot. Ranger asks captain who would do somthing like that and he replies, Lupin. Later Captain explains Lupin is the most evil animal in the forest, that she has an urge to kill, a love of blood. Ranger feels anger, hate and even his own urge to kill, but he resents it and keeps on his journey. After a while they meet a grizzly bear who claims to have seen Lupin building up a army to attck and take over the forest. She also says Lupin killed her only cub and comes with the two too the moutains, but they meet a few of Lupin's soldiers who take the to where Lupin has her camp. Ranger manages to escape and help free the others but they must fight there way out and even then they have to constanly be on the run. Many more evenst happen like this, including waterfalls and battle. Oh and Ranger finds a shocking secret about Captain. Im sorry if this was a waste of time but im only eleven. Does it sound alright? Thanks
WAIT! Never ever got swimming in any pool, lake, river, ect. with a fresh piercing. Please, when you do get your piercing done go to an APP certified piercer. Go to safepiercing.org to find one in your area and to learn about WHY you SHOULD NOT go swimming with a fresh piercing.
What food/drink/herbs/fast programs?
are best to heal and health of the kidneys. i am taking milk thistle 2 caps a day like it says on the bottle. what kind of fast should i do for optimal health. i have the acai berry which when i tried for a wekk lost weight and then went off bc i was going to look for a fast regime which i heard goes best with the acai program. i have been taking many subscribed opiates(t3, percocet) and need to get off them as i am worried about health of my kidneys and liver, any advice would be great. thanks so much
If i want hard yolk poached eggs, do i cook for a longer time or a shorter time?
You need to cook an egg longer for the yolk to set (and become hard). Be careful with the cooking times though, if you cook it for too long the egg will end up with a rubbery texture.
Why is the unemployment rate in the alps so high?
It isn't. Hautes Alpes was only 7.4% third quarter 2009, the average in France was 9.1% at that time. Or do you mean another department? Please give your numbers.
Which is healthier....?
A poached egg with a toast and er, or grilled cheese? (keep in mind grilled cheeses are made with er)
All about US Emby appointment letter...Is it the letter enclosed in the packet I received?
I really am confused with this letter of appointment to be presented both to St. Luke's and US Emb Manila. I am thinking of it as a letter which US Emby Manila sent me. Am I correct? If not, what is it then? I got preplexed by some postings on the net. I usually read from some of other people's blogs that saint luke's is requiring to bring the appointment letter with them.For now, I am gathering helpful infos before having my Medical Exam. So I shold know what to do.
My childrens father does not want me talking to his fiance.....?
Based on the cirstances you describe, what you did was not only appropriate, but the only moral thing to do. You could probably fix this rather easily for the future by mentioning to the fiance that talking with her upsets your ex, so please simply do not tell him when you talk. Since you're not doing anything wrong when you talk to her, what he does not know truly won't hurt him.
What language is this & and could you translate it into English?
Die angegebenen Zeiten beziehen sich auf den Standort des Kontrollpunktes, an dem die Sendungskontrolle erfolgt.
I am a 13 year old Writer, or trying to be please help!!!?
Hey, well i don't know if I am old enough to write a boook, but i'm writing a book right nw called 7 destinationa. It's about a girl who can talk to animals and see mystical creatures in the forest once she turns 13. Including sea serpents, dragons trolls, ogres, Giants, unicorns, half man half horse, and so on. The fascilians, or the so called bad guys, are the race of the dragons. They are trying to steal the ruby that protects the forbidden city to destroy their kingdom. They have to collect a gem from each of the seven destinations that has a special power, and protects their kingdom. They have to get to the city and get all the gems before the dragons do. They try to kill the girl and so on, and she makes animal friends along the way, what do you think? The leader of the dragons is Firebreather, and he is trying to turn the whole kingdom into evil, and he has trolls ogres, dragons, and all sorts of creatures that work for him.
Why don't Mormons want to talk about what goes on in their temples?
You really have some serious issues. There is no such oath as to cut our throats and disembowel ourselves. The temples are sacred and holy and nothing remotely the way in which you describe things to be. For someone who left the church you sure do put lots of time and energy into it. You no longer are a member so leave it alone.
How do I make myself look hideously ugly?
I need ways to make myself look hideously ugly everyday so that I can scare people and freak them out and stuff. And I don't mean Halloween freak ugly, I mean regular ugly. I want something that I can actually do everyday that won't cause people to question me. And no answers like stop bathing (I don't want to become disgusting), or stupid answers like to eat something unappealing and get food/spinach in my teeth.
What are some of the medical advances or discoveries that occurred in the nineteenth century and what influenc?
a href="http://perfline.com/textbook/local/mvinas_chronol.htm" rel="nofollow"http://perfline.com/textbook/local/mvina…/a look here
Can someone please help me with a creative story?
will be having to write a creative story about this maze/citadel where there are 6 walls/ Information: The citadel is a huge fortress, with 6 huge walls, 1 within another . each wall has only 1 door leading inwards. Inside each wall is a terror protecting the centre against intruders. No one has got beyond tge 3rd wall before. First ring is protected by a rolling boulder. The door in the next wall is several hundred yards away. at the centre of the citadel is something you must have. You and 3 companions have come to get it. This is a world of magic powers and strange forces of dark and light. I was hoping for some ideas for each door like an obstacle for instance a big pile of keys and will have to find the correct key for the door. Each door gets harder and harder. could you guys please help!!! no rude comments please
All about Non- Proprietary and Lossless?
I have searched and searched all over the internet but i cant find much about them. Can anyone tell me all about non-proprietary and lossless?
Guys, do you think that your GF/ wife is the most beautiful woman in the world?
Sometimes it seems like guys are ogling movie stars when they have a beautiful sig other, I don't get it.
Help calculating the weight of a hanging object that will extend its length by 4 x 10-5?
An aluminum wire has a length of 5m and a cross-sectional radius of 0.0055 m. Calculate the weight of a hanging object that will extend its length by 4 x 10-5 m. (modulus= 7e10Pa)
My hair got ripped out by a iceshaver, what should i do?
yesterday i was showing my fiance the industrial ice shaver we have and i leaned over to dump the ice and i got caught and pulled in and i was stuck it was still trying to spin and started ripping out my hair. my fiance and brother rushed over and unplugged it and we untangled me but a large amount of my hair got torn out, about 5 in across 4 vertically in the top back part of my head....bald. my hair is about 16inches long idk now its not so pretty, idk how long hair takes to start growing in after being pulled out i cant really get hair extensions there is no hair there to attach to, and since it is the top of my hair it would be visible ...hmm idk what to do, im still pretty shocked it happened :-/
Pains in my chest and suffer from Fatigue.?
O_o yeah it is faulty. You would be dead with that blood pressure lol. How long ago was your sugar levels checked? This could be the beginning of diabetes. Also get checked for asthma. Some of your symptoms are that of asthma. For now don't eat a ton of processed foods until you get another doctor and eat celery. Celery lowers blood pressure, mood swings, asthma and can help with diabetes.
Buddhism help?
It's completely tolerant of all religions. It claims that there are many paths to salvation and theirs is only one of them. It's goal is to attain enlightenment and to liberate one's self from the cycle of endless suffering. A Buddha is a person who has realize the pointlessness of clinging and has liberated his or her self from suffering. A Buddha is freed from the cycle of rebirth and has attained Nirvana. There is no Buddhist conversion ritual. You're pretty much a Buddhist if you accept the four noble truths (life is suffering, desire is the cause of suffering, ending desire ends suffering, and the way to do this is to follow the eightfold path). The eightfold path is as follows: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. As for freedom, it's one of the most liberal religions out there. There are no commandments or sins. Some actions are consider counter-intuitive because they lead a person away from enlightenment, but they are not necessarily wrong, and won't necessarily lead you to hell. As for scripture, some sects are more into it than others. The Zen sect pays little attention to scripture, it is a very simple and direct path. Basically, Buddhism is a live and let live faith. Believe and do whatever you want.
Mercedes e270 cdi, cranks but will not start.?
It's definitely a fuel delivery issue. Could be injectors or the pumps . I am not sure about your particular engine but on a modern diesel there should be 2 pumps. One pump is the low pressure pump that brings fuel from the tank to the engine. That's a simple electric pump. The other pump is the high pressure pump. This pump is responsible for pulsing fuel into the combustion chambers at very high pressures. That pump is usually mechanical, not electric, meaning it's driven off of the engine itself. It's possible this high pressure pump has an issue. That is where I would bet the problem is.
People of all religions do you think if there is a God I'll go to hell?
I'm just curious what you have to say. Now I'm what I'd consider to be a hopeful agnostic. I was raised catholic, but i had a hard time believing all of the stuff and i just became sick of trying to force myself to believe in something. so i began to explore what other religions believe. And i really don't believe in any of that stuff. But, i try to stay open minded and i enjoy listening to what people believe as far as religion goes. Now I'm not really sure if there is a god, but i like to think there could be one just because of how complex certain things are like i took anatomy and i find it amazing how everything in the body works together and it seems so precise like some higher power had a part to play in it's creation. i also feel like the same way about things in nature and in the cosmos. it just seems that everything fits so well together it's hard to believe that all of this just formed on it's own out of nothing. So i guess if i keep an open mind and i don't deny the possibility of a God and i respect everyone opinion on religion, do you think if there is a heaven or an after life I'll make it there? I just don't feel like any religion has it right and most of them are corrupted. But if not that's fine I'm not just going to pretend to believe in something that i don't just encase there is a hell.
Rolex repair in santa monica area? honolulu area?
enough said, but basically, where in santa monica can i get trusty rolex service. not to clean or disemble it, but just to get a new clasp? how about on oahu? thanks
You rule the world and have access to all the world's monies. What do you do to fix the world's problems?
That is a very difficult question. First I might release all of the technologies that are hidden, slash military funding, release political prisoners including drug offenders.
Aluminum pop rivets or wood screws - which will be the best in this case?
I am making a few instrument cases for my music instruments and studio equipments basically to ship them oversees. I need to attach handles and latches to the plywood boxes. I have never used Pop rivets, but I have seen a few places that suggest pop rivets over wood screws. I know the tool costs about $20 at Lowes, which is no problem. But I am not convinced the strength of pop rivets as I don't understand how they hold things together. Can somebody explain the logic or mechanic behind how it holds things together. Also, is it better than using 1/2 or 3/4 wood screws in my case. I will be using about 5-8 on each handle/latch. Thanks.
Should i push for the thyroidectomy?
I have a 2cm nodule in my right thyroid. My bloodwork always comes back normal but i go thru periods where im freezing and then for a while i have periods where all i do is sweat. Spent 2 days in hosp for tests and they told me that thr left side has no nodule but is enlarged. the right side has the 2cm nodule and is also enlarged. what do i do? i go see an endocrinologist this thursday and i just want to stop feeling like crap...what do i ask?
What will be the outcome?
I have been recently charged with petit larceny, along with my best friend. The total amount taken was less than $150 dollars. This was a first time offense for both of us. But i have been on pins/probation since april now, so i really don't know what the outcome will be, does anybody know or have experience with this?
How do I find a summer job in computer programming?
You may register at freelance website like a href="http://getafreelnacer.com/" rel="nofollow"http://getafreelnacer.com//a and start bidding for all PHP projects posted there.
Is my guinea pig pregnant?
I have two guinea pigs a female and a boy there names are Ginger and Gizmo. Gizmo started to hump Ginger and now she wont let me pick her up well sometimes but when she does she bites me.Is she pregnant? Help me please
What are some fun ways of burning calories that are nearly effortless lol?
Everything you do burns calories, just not a significant amount. You have to put effort into calorie burning, sorry. But there are fun ways to do it. I put in music while I clean my house and dance around to it, my dog gets in on it and we end up running around the house together playing and dancing. So that's pretty effortless because its fun and not something I consider "exercise", but it burns calories. Most likely the best way for you is to go shoot some hoops or play some soccer, ride a bike or skateboard. All sports are exercise.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
What's the best private student loan provider out there?
I need about $1000 in a student loan and I'm not sure which student loan provider I should get the loan from. I'm thinking Sallie Mae, but are there others out there that are even better?
How do I safely transplant a small plant?
I NEED to move some coleus for to a new pot for science fair but they're very small and i don't want to kill them. The largest of them (almost 100 plants) is only an inch tall and many are only about 1 cm tall. Ive been trying to wait until they get bigger but they haven't and time is up i need to start experimenting. just to get the point across they are VERY fragile i cant even pour water around them without them being uprooted I have to spray a mist over them with a spray bottle to water them and ive still hurt some with that.
Thoughtless comments from others during pregnancy...?
I don't know about most of you ladies, but I have been feeling happy about my pregnancy but a little stressed on the weight gain and how to loose it afterwards.You think that people around you would be more understanding and motivational. Though in one day I had 2 comments, one from a good friend and 1 from my mother. One saying " I will never get my body back to how it was" and another saying that "I will have to work out extra hard to be able to loose those extra pounds" These comments just killed my spirits and I got very down and sad.I hadn't given up on my weight loss fight and have already got oraganized a "boot camp" through my gym 2 months after baby is born.. Have you ladies had negative words from people? It was so unexpected that it happened from my two closest people...
What is Krista M Schwibbs e mail?
google her..if she has a my space or face book account..it will pop up..it is not a email..but the next best thing
What game out there is like runescape but more fun?
I played runescape forever and im getting bored. I want to know if there is anything out there that is partly free, like RS. Browser based or downloadable games are fine. And don't say Wow-Shayia-Cabal-Perfect World.(Bored of them too lol)
If the likes of rooney,terry,beckham don't like publicity give up football and work in a factory,simples?
a href="http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/football/armchair-pundit/article/8870/"http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/football/a…/a
Why does Eminem diss Michael J Fox in 'Recovery?'?
I asked Michael J Fox "What's shaking?" once. That was one punch in the face I won't forget. Took about ten minutes to line up the shot.
ASVAB scores for NAVY Corpsman?
Im a EMT and A Fire Fighter, I want to join the NAVY as a corpsman. If I go in am I guaranteed I will become a corpsman?
What Kind Of Question Would Get Hundreds of Answers?
I was jst wondering because i go to the most popular page and see these random surveys or radio trivia or name my baby or name a song that.... and tey have at least 50 answers and i was thinking how special those people must be to receive so many answers...and how like the most i've ever got is 24.
Will my voice condition become permanent? how do I get better?
Hi. I'm a kindergarten teacher which means I use my voice a lot professionally. I also talk a lot as a matter of course. I started losing my voice last Saturday when I began to cough a lot. Knowing I was getting sick I took all the necessary precautions - rested, dressed very warmly, drank lots of fluids .... but I just got sicker. By Monday my voice was almost completely gone and I had to have help in the clroom. On Tuesday I had no voice at all, so I took the day off and on Wednesday it seemed better, so I went to work used it and by the end of the day I had no voice again! I have been drinking copious amounts of warm and room temperature liquids, inhaling steam, drinking stuff with honey in it, eating lots of fruit, resting a great deal (I even took Thurs and Fri off work!!), writing notes instead of talking at all - cause I read that whispering makes it worse, sitting in hot rooms ..... - basically absolutely everything I can think of! - and yet, despite everything, my condition seems to be getting worse not better!! I need my voice back to teach and I'm scared this might become permanent! What more can I do? Please help!
Different ways/words to describe-a person that describes how another person is talking in a knowitall way. ty?
Pompous would be a good word. Meaning that one would be flipping their nose in the air. Stating that I am better than You are.
What do you think of this song i wrote?
Not too bad at all, keep maging it. I do recommend changing the houses rust line, it sounds kind of silly because houses in general don't rust since they are not made of metal. Not being picky but when you're trying to write a well thought out song, attention to detail matters. Good luck!
How do you get the whammy to sound like it does in the song CRITICAL ACCLAIM by a7x?
I have a silverstone guitar(the white and black cheap one) and i need to know how to make the whammy sound like synyster gates does in the song Crittical acclaim, how do i make that screatching niose? do i need a certain guitar? guitar pedal? if so how much and what kind of pedal?
What is the difference between udp and ip from fuctional point of view?
Udp is a protocol of transport layer and ip is the protocol of network layer. Network layer is third level layer and transport layer is fourth level layer in osi reference model. Every upper level do the task given by its lower level. Ip set rules for the address of the source and destination node in the network. Where udp set the rules transferring of datagram from source to destination over network. For more details go throgh the book data communication and networking by foruzan.
Can evidence be interpreted multiple ways? Can evidence be completely conclusive?
The answer to both questions is yes. It depends on the question asked, the evidence provided, the source of the evidence, and the experience of the one providing the evidence.
Looking the name of a music video, please help?
A cartoon band is playing on stage on one planet and a cartoon man is trying to get there. The cartoon man tries different ways of flying there; by cannonball, catapult, ski jump, helicopter and even a spaceship. The animated music video is simple black & white line-type drawings. Can anyone help? It is a good tune, I have just forgotten who by.
Is this fridge safe to use?
Yesterday my fridge made a loud whining sound, then stopped. When I turned the coolness dial, it came back on, but now the freezer doesn't work, just the fridge part. Now there's frost building up inside the fridge and it is "snowing" down on the food. Is it dangerous to keep this fridge running? Should I unplug it and get a new one ASAP?
Erg times for some of the more elite level rowers out there?
I'm just curious. I'm a rower in high school, going to a D1 school next year for rowing. I know what erg times I need to row there and progress through the ranks as I approach senior year. im just curious what kind of times you would need for teams such as the U23 national team, making the olympic squad, or rowing for oxford or cambridge in "the boat race". 2k erg scores would be best, but 6k times would be good too. I appreciate it. I've been wondering what kind of times these people are pulling for a while now
What are my chances: Berea College?
I think you are a shoo-in. I looked on the College Board's website, and the first thing they list is cl rank, but only 27% of their admitted students were in the top 10%. Your ACT scores are on the upper end and above the middle 50% of admittees, and your GPA is well above their average too.
Is Barack Obama really a muslim?
Not that it matters..was just wondering!..http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/obama/1150540,CST-NWS-faith08.article
Some women can acept that..................?
You have to be happy with who you are and be able to love yourself so you can love someone else. No one completes you other than in marriage. Then and only then are you being the other half of that union. You need to be able to function as a whole person without the help of anyone else. Being able to handle things without dependency on someone else is very important. That way you can bring much more into a marriage than if you were dependent on another person.
Does anyone play World Of Warcraft that would like to aquire a lvl 80 DK with Full tier 7, and the BoH Axe.?
Hey let me know if ne one is intrested I have full T7, full epics epic ratings gem'd out maxx mining and I have JC for the Gem's, I have the best axe in game from Kel 25m., msg me back if intrested.
Why does my xbox look worse in HDMI on my hdtv than on my monitor with VGA?
The computer monitor will look better because the Pixels are smaller. You samsung only support 720p, not 1080p. So it's just the TV. I have a Samsung LN55B750 and it rocks, its not as sharp as my 21inch sony monitor. Next time you get an HDTV, try to get one that support 1080p. Computer monitor will always look better, but your trading it off for a larger screen.
Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and then they get elected and prove it?
You make a good point. I was watching a Rep Strategist last night who royally peed me off. She spent more time on all the things they did wrong (and some of it wasn't actually DONE by the Reps which was weird...) than saying what could fix it. I dropped party affiliation this last election, starting with Bush's Tarp 1. This is why both parties tick me off. Either do what you say you will, or get out. And rebranding is an insult. There are good people on both sides of the aisle, let's weed them out and toss the rest.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Which equipment gives u better toned abs?
I am planing on buying a workout equipment namely a stationery bike or a treadmill equipment. Which provides better results and how should i use it to gain better toned abs?.Is a treadmill with inclination a feature that will help me.
How or when can I get out of my CHINS warrant?
I started dating someone that was three years older than me when I was still considered a minor, and it was going fine.. until my parents found out. *I'm not a minor anymore.They didn't want me with him, so they started telling me to stay home and criticizing me by calling me a hoe and such, just to put me down and make me obey them, it's complicated. Before they found out, I did go out often but not to parties or anything, and when I get a boyfriend, they started to notice me. I'm the "quiet" middle child. So they start getting SUPER strict on me, and being the stubborn person I am, I disobeyed because I don't think it's fair. You're probably going to think I should just break it off, but it's just that we've been together for a long time and it's just not worth breaking up. You can call this the price of love, haha. Put all that "you're still young" crap to the side and yeah. Long story short, I get hit from time to time for no good reasons, then I get kicked out and they tell the police I ran away. The officer didn't let me speak and just picked sides and told me I was going to be put on a CHINS warrant, so now I am. I know for a fact it's for all the wrong reasons, I've done my share of research and I don't meet the requirements. I also don't wanna get emancipated or "snitch" because I know DSS will get involved and I have a little sister that i care about, and I don't want her to be taken away too just because of me. My probation officer is my fathers friend, so everything he does wrong doesn't get him into any trouble. I know all I can do is wait, but for how long? My question is, when and how can I get out of it? When I turn 18, am I automatically out? Help please!
Where can I buy COACH bags in La Paz, BOLIVA?
im frtom bolivia but im not sure they sell coach bags or dont know a place in la paz where they sell it maybe if there is something like "torre sofer" from cochabamba maybe there is something like that in la paz or you can buy bags online ebay or maybe other sites
What's the go with uTorrent?
its probably just because there aren't enough seeders or your connection is screwed up. check how many seeders there are and give it a day and try again.
I'm a young mom and want to work from home...?
Hi, I'm 3 months pregnant and I am looking for a job that i can do from home so i can be with my baby when he/she is born. See I work at Walmart right now, and they don't pay that much and I've had problems with my boss from day one (I've been working there almost 4 months now). She doesn't give me the right hours in which i put on my availability and I have given her a doctor's note to cut back my hours due to my pregnancy. I was just wondering if there were any really good jobs I could look into so I could work from home. And I've found 2 from this website...but I'm worried they might be a scam. Which is another one of my questions...has anyone heard of UCS or MMTS? I'm not 100% sure what UCS is, it sounds good. and MMTS is one of those survey things, that you take them and make money. Not a lot of course. I'm also a full time student so I would really like to work from home for that reason also. If there is any information please let me know! Thank you, I greatly appreciate it.
What will seeing a Psychiatrist be like?
well a psychologist can't perscribe u medication. so they will just talk to you about what makes u depressed or nervous. plus ur 19 so u r adult so u don't take a medication if u don't want to. the psychiatrist obviously can perscribe the medication but u should talk to them for a little while before they decide if u really need a medication or if talking will be enough. voice your own opinion. ur 19 so it is in the end up to u. u know more than anyone how u feel. maybe i can help u more since i'm gone thru some of this stuff. i'm online on aim or yahoo messenger and my screename is TheBTPYoda.
Fixing to have my baby...what goes good with shelby?
im naming my little girl shelby but im not sure on what to make her middle name what do you think? i already have a little girl named Brianna Lei Ramirez
Please help...?
I like Eliza Haley, not crazy about Curtis, but if you like it, go for it! It is easy to spell,recognize etc.
Differences between State Universities and UCs?
Is there a big difference in salary, eduacation for someone who graduated in SU compared to someone who graduted in UC?
What is the average top steed on a waverunner?
I am about to buy a 2000 Yamaha GP800 Waverunner from this guy. It comes with a new SBT Engine. He said that the top speed is around 52 MPH and I was just wondering where that ranks on the average top speed for a 2 seater waverunner
Heeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!Does anyone know how to remove a youbo worm from my pc?
I try to open my memory card from my pc and it won't let me.says a file youbo.scr is missing or something and the files inside are shortcuts instead of normal files.After the incident with my memory card same thing happens with my ext.hard drive!Has anyone seen this before??I've already run 2 antiviruses, said they removed the infection but still nothing :(:(:(
I'm Scared I'm Going Crazy?
So i watched 'hostel' and it kinda turned me on. You know the whole scene where Pax (Jay Hernandez) is being tortured it really got me horny. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I really wanna do something like that. Just how he is screaming begging it really got me excited. Do i have a problem?
A question regarding The Shawshank Redemption?
I made a bet with someone in my school concerning the movie The Shawshank Redemption. The other kid said that Brooks Hatlen got out of the prison in the 1970's. Of course I knew this was 100% wrong and he sounded so sure of himself. I know I am right but I can't find proof off the internet (even wikipedia). Where can I find the answer to when Brooks got out of jail?
WDYT of my shortlist?
Having 2 middle names is a bit much in my opinion. Most of these names aren't my style. I think Evelyn is okay and I like Rose with it but not Ameilia.
If Jeb Bush runs for President of the United States in 2012, would you vote for him?
He did good in Florida, seems to be honest, and actually has some education under his belt unlike his brother George.
Why do some people think everyone else is stupid?
Elitist people of any sort often feel intense self-loathing or fear of whatever qualities/principals they despise in others. Elitist intellectuals fear the igorance inherant in themselves and thus try to bury that fear by adapting the concept that everyone else is stupid save for them and possibly a select few. This way, a sense of control and satisfaction is gained. After all, if you are smarter than everyone else then you experience a sense of freedom and superiority, don't you? These people usually fail to live up to their standards b/c they prize intelligence for the wrong reason-their ego is in control. When the ego is in control we become oversensitive, desire recognition and lose sight of the game. True intellectuals value knowledge not for it's own sake but because they are interested in learning. They are more logical than those who waste their time judging others and feeding the ego.
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